Подбор тура

Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

Где купить тур

г. Красноярск,
ул. Урицкого, 117,
офис 2-01
Режим работы:
Пн. - Пт.: 09:00 - 19:00
Сб 11:00 - 16:00
Вс выходной

Sunduki mountain range

The mountain ridge "Sunduki" ("Boxes") is situated in the northern part of Khakasia on the border of Shirinsky and Ordzhinikidzevsky districts, not far from Iyus village. This mountain ridge is a complex of archaeological objects which include burial mounds, rock paintings and special constructions. The whole complex was used to watch the sky; it was an astronomic observatory of the ancient people. The main purpose was to watch the Sun, the Moon and the stars. There are several watching places, two variants of sun clock, a calendar, a life description of a great warrior and many mysterious objects in the complex. Each of the "box" is numerated one after another. There is the First box, the Second box, the Third etc. You can see an endless steppe with numerous burial mounds and irrigation channels.

People come to this place in order to understand themselves and the world, to get power.

