Подбор тура

Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

Где купить тур

г. Красноярск,
ул. Урицкого, 117,
офис 2-01
Режим работы:
Пн. - Пт.: 09:00 - 19:00
Сб 11:00 - 16:00
Вс выходной

Sulekskie petroglyphs

Sulekskie petroglyphs are a bright example of rocks paintings. These petroglyphs are made on the rock which is 600 m high. The whole rock is covered by thousands of paintings which date back to different epochs. This rock is situated in the northern part of Khakasia, in the Valley of Iyus River. The rock was called in the name of Sulekovy family, whose dynastic land surrounded the rock. Folk people call this rock "Pichiktig Tag" (Painted rock).

First paintings were made here 3-4 thousand years ago, last paintings - in the 18th century. The techniques of painting are absolutely different. The paintings depict hunting, battles, boats, people cultivating the land, animal battles, and shamanic scenes. The paintings are accompanied by ancient khakasian inscriptions. The upper inscription "the eternal rock" shows that these paintings are made forever.

Sulekskie petroglyphs are paintings of the world value, but unfortunately they become spoiled as many tourists visit this place every year.

