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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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г. Красноярск,
ул. Урицкого, 117,
офис 2-01
Режим работы:
Пн. - Пт.: 09:00 - 19:00
Сб 11:00 - 16:00
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Stone Bay is a small picturesque bay located on the shore of Teletskoye Lake several km away from Yogach Village. The bay is surrounded by larches and is distinguished by several things. First of all, the bay itself reminds a shell hole, which appeared due to the falling of gigantic space body and now is filled with water. It is connected with the lake with a small neck of land. Secondly, there is a heap of stones of different size from big ones to very little like pebbles. If you look closely, you can find under your feet stones with their edges fritted, probably from monstrous temperature.

There are several versions of appearing of the bay. One of them is a collapse of the cliff or descending of glacier in ancient times… Local residents tend to believe, that the Stone Bay was formed as a result of falling meteorite. Well, after visiting the place this version doesn’t seem so fantastic. Anyway, the bay is immensely picturesque with peculiar atmosphere, so that it is glorified in local legends.
