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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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г. Красноярск,
ул. Урицкого, 117,
офис 2-01
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Пн. - Пт.: 09:00 - 19:00
Сб 11:00 - 16:00
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Sayansky stockaded town

Sayansky stockaded town is situated on the right bank of Yenisei, not far from Sayansk village in Krasnoyarsk region. This stockaded town is one of several well preserved monuments of Russian fortification in Siberia. The research works of its remnants is a unique case of such a full research of a Russian archaeological object.

The place where the southernmost stockaded town of Yenisei basin was located still can be seen nowadays from the road leading to Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. After the lawsuit about the construction of the town in 1717-1720 it was used only by the Cossacks.

Now the Cossacks intend to make a museum complex in Shushensky district - to restore Sayansky stockaded town.

In the beginning of XIX century the town lost its military-political meaning and was abandoned. It stopped existing by the year of 1825. The majority of constructions were demolished and used for building the neighboring Cossack village which was named Sayanskaya. During the next two centuries Sayansky stockaded town and Sayanskaya Cossack village were the nearest Russian inhabited points to the geographical centre of Asia. Nowadays the remnants of the town and the village represent the whole archaeological and ethnographic complex.

Despite the fact that there are only the low parts of the walls remained, the plan of the town can be easily seen. There was a kitchen (small parts of animals' bones and kitchenware), a washing place (the remnants of a burnt broom and a lot of river stones - the former furnace), a place for treating fish or storing tackle (stone plummets and fish scales) situated near the northern wall.

At present the Russian academy of science department in Siberian federal district is negotiating with federal and regional authorities on the question of reconstruction Sayansky stockaded town as a unique object of culture and history.

