Подбор тура

Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

Где купить тур

г. Красноярск,
ул. Урицкого, 117,
офис 2-01
Режим работы:
Пн. - Пт.: 09:00 - 19:00
Сб 11:00 - 16:00
Вс выходной

Kets are Siberian people who speak the Ket language. In the Russian Empire, they were called Ostyaks, without differentiating them from several other Siberian peoples. Later they became known as Yenisey ostyaks, because they lived in the middle and lower basin of the Yenisey River in the Krasnoyarsk Region.

The Ket people migrated to the north from southern Siberia at the beginning of the first millennium C.E. But here, in close communication with Khanty and Selkup people they formed their unique culture.

The modern Kets live along the eastern middle stretch of the river Yenissey.

The Kets are excellent hunters and outstanding fishermen, for centuries sharpening their skills. Born in the endless taiga, from an early age they know the habits of fish, animals and birds.

The beliefs of Kets are associated with the world of nature, a special place in which occupies a bear. So one of the most important representatives of the pantheon of gods is Kaigus - Bear Spirit , the patron of forests and a host of wild animals. Before hunting Kets make a ritual designed to propitiate the Bear Spirit, they fumigate hunting gear, to clear them from touching by women, remain beautiful squirrel skins and try not to hurt the game animals.

In the mythology of Ket people, the bear also serves as the host of the lower world and animal counterpart of a man. It was considered as an shaman assistant shaman. The ritual of showing the identity of the bear and the man called the "Bear holiday" or "Bear Hunt". After killing a bear it is being skinned - is the first stage of initiation of an animal to a human being. Then they start eating bear meat - so bear merges with the man, and the differences between them are erased completely.

Ket village is located near the village of Verhneimbatsk. There you can take a short tour to talk with representatives of the Yenisei Kets and look at the features of their way of life.
